Katka hubacek artist photo portrait

Artist and business owner Katka Hubacek

Midnight Giants was founded by Katka Hubacek

Born in Switzerland to Czech parents, we moved to Canada when I was 3 years old. I grew up in the beautiful Eastern Townships of Quebec. As a happy introvert, I spent summer days playing in mud puddles, trying to catch frogs and butterflies. Even as a young girl, I had a strong resolve to be myself, which wasn’t very popular with the other kids at school. Drawing was my refuge, and my parents always encouraged my artistic abilities.

At the age of 15, I had the amazing opportunity to spend the summer in Prague with a family of professional puppeteers. I was bewitched by the magical craft of building marionettes. The level of workmanship was stunning. I decided (with lots of encouragement from my mom) to go to theater school in Montreal. I remember thinking, “So this is where all the 'different' people go. I finally fit in!” Through the exploration of Chekov and other Slavic plays, I began to really connect with my Czech heritage, and it continues to inspire my work.

I graduated from the National Theatre School of Canada in Scenography and then from the Costume Studies Program at Dalhousie University. This led me to work as a freelance set & costume designer in theater, film, and commercials for over 10 years.

Craving a more personal artistic outlet, I started by combining my various skills by producing recycled leather bags and then plush dolls. I applied to my first craft show and was hooked! With the birth of my two children, illustration became a natural evolution. Motherhood really helped me step into my own values. Midnight Giants is born from a desire to share that voice.

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