Photography Begins

So we are finally at a place where we are taking pictures of our work. Let me back up a little. About…oh…3, 4 years ago we got an email from a friend sharing with us her new online mini store. She had put up some of her handmade work on a site to sell them online. This site was ETSY. Ever since we saw this site we’ve been working towards starting our own little shop to sell our goods and find new homes.

Fast forward to now and here we are figuring out how to take pictures of all the different things we’ve made.  Here is our set up and pictures of our earrings.
It took us  some time to figure out how we were going to do this. We first built a white box thinking we could use it but we really wanted the earrings to be hanging and so we needed to figure out a way to hold the gold frame we were using. We ended up building a mini easel/stand to clamp the frame to. Well needless to say it took us many trials to figure out the right set up.

So many tests and 5 lamps later we managed to have pictures like this:

And this is a second view:

Hopefully the next time we have new earrings the picture set-up will go faster now that we’ve figured out what it is we want.